Gazz Digital: Digital Marketing Agency Alexandria VA

Have a Bio video on your website? Here’s some tips to help its performance

The SEO team here at Gazz Consulting has been measuring site activity, content engagement and conversion data for our clients for a number of years, and one consistent activity we’ve measured is the high level of engagement registered with the Bio pages of the business owners/doctors/lawyers, etc.

People want to feel comfortable with the professional they are looking to choose for their services. Who are they? What can I learn about them? Am I comfortable with their approach?

Our heatmap tracking invariable shows visitors going to:

  • The Bio page for the business owner or practitioner page

Then how do you make the most of your Bio page?

What will help promote more conversions and getting new customers over the finish line to call you or to fill out your contact form?

Answer: Video

  • Videos on those pages have some of the highest ‘view through completion’ rates
  • Outside of the data we tracked online, we’d easily estimate that more than ⅔ of our clients have had new clients say to them that they chose their business after viewing their personal Bio video.

With this type of insight, needless to say we’ve recommended far and wide to produce these videos.

When you compare most Bio pages of your competitors, the standard is to have a head shot photo and a few paragraphs of text, sharing their educational background, approach to their profession and maybe some personal information. While informative, it’s static content that doesn’t easily engage.

But hold on……Not all video has the same impact.

Just like you wouldn’t enjoy a monotone video of someone speaking, whose posture is stiff and non-inviting, your Bio video shouldn’t be that way either. Try talking about topics that could develop comfort and connection, and smile and perhaps even try to be a bit animated. Video editing can also work in content to make it more personalized, but do think about how you want the video to come across. What impression do you want to leave?

But if you did a video a while back, take some time to update it and have some fun.

Here’s an example for our client, Dr. Kamboh, where the original Bio video was recorded several years ago, and he wanted to have some fun editing the original, to both update it and make a ‘fun’ impression.

Take a look.

This video was also shared on the client’s social media properties and got high levels of engagement.

While this video style or format may not be right for you, think of some creative ideas on how you could add or update the video on your own Bio page.

It will likely pay dividends for your digital marketing efforts and separate you online. Give it a go, and good luck!

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